Wednesday, July 22, 2009


My Loved One (let's call him Harry) and I at dinner recently were talking about how almost everyone seems to be blogging and how we each thought it might be fun, but. . .

Which was as far as either of us had gotten. It suddenly occurred to me a blog could be a kind of conversation, rather like a teaching practice I have used with adult learners, called guided journaling. The instructor writes a comment or a question, and the student responds to it. It's a way of helping reluctant writers to get over the paralysis of the blank page.

So Harry and I are going to write/blog to each other. Writing is something we both like doing and while we aren't separated from one another for long enough periods to call for long, chatty letters, we do enjoy writing to one another. It's actually how we met, on an internet dating site: writing emails. Of course we also talked on the phone, and had the first in-person meeting at a Starbucks, but neither of those early experiences is as vivid to me as the early emails. . . eventually we moved in together and had less need for written communication. (We do text, whenever we are not in the same room)

(Posted by Sally)

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