Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Movie Review - INCEPTION - Posted by Harry

Sally and I saw the film "Inception" last evening and I was pretty wowed by it (with a few reservations), more so than Sally who was put off by the endless chase scenes, car and building explosions, and torrents of bullets. I have to agree with Sally on that score. I think though it was visually brilliant and a bit philosophically ambitious, the director/producer/writer should have made it less of an action movie, or maybe not an action movie at all, or maybe an action movie with less action and more drama. I thought Inception was incredible at certain plot junctures --- but honestly, though amazing at times, the work would have been improved by lopping off 20-30 minutes of action sequences. It definitely would not have lost anything.

I've been thinking about the film on and off throughout the day, so it has some staying power, and not in a bad way. Perhaps Monty Hall or Vanna White should have been behind the vault (that's how I dream, my absurd subconscious) with a big prize. I was riveted at times by this film, and at other times maybe a tad "disappointed" like the magnate Fisher, on his death bed, says to his son....

...and why isn't there a verb "inceive"? or we have conceive, deceive, receive, perceive



  1. So nice to meet you! So are you the anonymous follower who has been signed onto my sidebar? Thank YOU for lurking so faithfully! It is always so nice to see you have a surprise follower that you didn't know about! I will sign on to follow you. I have been so interested in Inception, watching the trailors on T,V. and the talk show promotions. So I'm glad for your impartial review!! And When I think of "The Kids Are Alright", I still think of the song of the same name by the Who! Yes, that's how old I am, I saw them in person.
