Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A House!

Harry and I (or rather Harry himself, who is a much better credit risk) are buying a house!

I'll spare you, dear internet, tales of how we decided/realized/whatever - that the exhorbitant (and not very rewarding) rent we have been paying could be, with some financial hocus-pocus, morphed into a MORTGAGE payment that is LESS and pays for a lovely house that we then (at some point - (pardon me for not getting this part very clear, I have never owned real estate, never been related to anyone who did. ..) will then OWN.

That has to be better, right?

Unless we die first.

Financial stuff is not my metier. But who cares?

A place my Boyo and I can live together? With a working fireplace?

I am SO there.

Stay tuned.

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